This morning at our Awaken service we talked about Hungry People. Russell talked about how as Christians, we need to help and share the Gospel with those around us, but also we need to help and love those that we don't know. Those in other places that are suffering and in need of so much. After Rus shared his heart and his message, we had our good friend Bush come and share his heartbeat for the poor. And he was able to be so open and Real with our whole congregation. He shared his story and his journey these past few years. I think Bush really helped leave an impact on so many today. To make all of us be pro-active. To know that there are "real kids and people out there with souls and deep desires...dreams." And we can help those come true. He told us about one of his friends that help with a homeless ministry, and his friend told Bush "when there's a need, there's the calling." And just like that stuck with Bush, it will forever stick with me. I don't feel like I'm one of those people who can hear a story of hurting, and just walk away. I am probably quite the opposite, which sometimes I feel comes to my disadvantage. I get completely involved, I see or hear about a child being hurt or abandoned...I can't stop but crying and thinking about them. I feel like I'm too sensitive, and thus I tend to tune it out. I tune out not because I don't care, but because it hurts too much and I feel like I'm not able to help. Or I don't know how. I hate that there are children dying from hunger. I hate child abuse. I hate that a simple well can be built in Ethiopia for only $5,000 (a well that can change a community's life), and it doesn't happen. I hate myself sometimes for just sitting back and feeling too overwhelmed with the world's problems and not helping with what I can. I understand that compassion is something we need right here in our everyday lives. We need to exemplify it to our neighbors, family, closest friends, co-workers, and to those we don't know. I just love what Bush said, "when the need is there, it's the call." That takes so much pressure off of someone like me, who I tend to want to help everyone and be so nice to everyone. And I know that there is too much hurt and too much strife all over the world, I can't possibly take it all on. But I can do my part everyday. If it's listening, really listening to a friend in need, sharing Christ with my neighbor, showing kindness to strangers, sending money and donations across the seas, going on a mission trip, hugging my husband, playing Planet Heroes with Rylor, praying for those who are hurting, and just resting in the knowledge of a Loving Savior...that is my part. I don't know everything, I don't even always know how I feel about certain topics, but I do wish there wasn't hate or hurting...but there is. And I know until the Savior comes there won't always be peace. But until then I want to love, I want to be a Godly woman, I want to not tune things out, just because I might not be able to handle it. So, the need today was a little boy in Rwanda...his name is Niyomuhoza Emmanuel and our family is sponsoring him monthly. Thank you, Rus and Bush for sharing your hearts today, they really did stir my heart and open my eyes. And Thank you Compassion Ministries for helping children all around the world. I'm honored to be a part of this ministry, as are so many others today.